MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created a short but intense Applied Cyber Security course. In order for someone to attend the course he/she had to apply and go through an approval process which determined if they were accepted to attend the course or not. In this course, experts from academia, the military and industry shared their knowledge and gave participants the principles, the state-of-the-practice, and strategies for the future in CyberSecurity.
I was honoured and very excited to be accepted to participate in this course. In today’s world, organizations must be prepared to defend against threats in cyberspace. Decision makers must be familiar with the principles and best practices of cyber security to best protect their enterprises.
I strongly believe that the best way to achieve this is to be educated, share knowledge and information among our peers. Our business strategies need to be reformed and adapt to the fast evolving threat landscape of cyber threats and be prepared to make the right decisions going forward.